Monday, December 10

requiem for a neglected blogspace

Ah poor beloved page, where once I had run my thoughts across, without prejudice or pain. How I have missed you!

I am caught in a blogging dliemma, where if I penned down everything that has taken place, I would not have enough hours in a day to write, and yet, if I gloss over the past few weeks, I might as well not say anything.

It helps to have a blog where one is focused, like food bloggers, book bloggers or movie bloggers. Unfortunately, I am none of these, concentrated souls, who can speak their hearts, in short succint, well constructed posts.

Alas me, who tend to ramble, have little of predominant importance and have no reason to log in on a daily basis.

Maybe I should try to get focused. Write about things that have value, shelf life, substance.
Or I could give you 10 random facts abouy my life.

1) My new colleague gets eyelash extensions every 4 weeks, which make her look unnaturally camel-like. Its worse when they start falling out and she has "bald" patches in between

2) I can now say I am a published writer. The publication is my club magazine and the things I write about are society columns and event reports. But still!!

3) I was recently saddened by a best friend's decision to not have children. I don't know why it pains me so. Maybe it's because I want more and I can't, and she can, but doesn't want more.

4) I went to Chitty Chitty Bang Bang!!! It was fabulous!

5) I think the Dark Devotion dessert at TCC is awesome! It's a perfect chocolate cake with a molten centre, served with natural vanilla ice cream and some kind of fruit croulis. Heaven!

6) I miss church :( I haven't been in weeks and I am thirsty.

7) Going home from work the other day, I met the most interesting cab driver. He used to be a computer engineer, but decided that the stress wasn't worth it, and decided to drive a cab instead. That's so cool. I want to come to that place one day.

8) Happiness is irrelevant. Only joy remains.

9) I hate the fact that I am apparently the only one who knows how to google for information at work. Every body asks me stuff like I am some kind of walking encyclopedia, when all it takes is 15 secs on the computer. You have a computer. use it people! Its not a typewriter!

10) 5 months have passed at this place and I have done enough work for 2 years at my old company. Am still trying to decide if that's a good thing.

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