Sunday, February 22

Better than Silver and Gold

I have the best friends, no question.

I was majorly bummed out by what happened with work on Friday, or rather what had been happening for the last 8 months, and really didn't feel like seeing anyone or being social. I decided to throw myself a pity party, invited all the relevant people (i.e me, myself and I) and locked myself in my rooom, wallowing.

Didn't go to church. Didn't feel like performing for others when my heart was so heavy. Also the headache that started on Friday night was still lurking in my cranium and I was feeling cranky.

Then came a message. Where are you?

Then came two. Come have dinner with us.

Then three. We'll come to you. Just come out and hang.

I turned them all down. It was my party and I'll cry if I want to.

At about 9, I emerged. Tired of my own company, sick of the self-imposed confinement, guilty at abandoning my child for my own selfish gain.

Then they called. We are downstairs. Can we come up?

4 words that make me tear up just recounting them here. They drove all the way to the boondocks just to see someone, who may not even want them there, because they loved her and they cared. 2 young, single people, who could have done so many other things with their Saturday night.

And brought Ben & Jerry's ice cream - the elixit to get rid of all headaches and heartaches. We didn't do anything life-changing - just small talk, watched "The Nanny" and .... let me heal. I take it back - it was life-changing. It touched mine.

Thanks J and A. Your friendship is more precious than silver and gold. And I will treasure it forever.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

you are worth it =)