Tuesday, May 5

Long time, no see

It's been a real long time since my last post, but things have been swimming along rather furiously and its all I can do to keep my head above water.

Still, thank God for busy periods, especially during this time when people are getting laid off left, right and centre. The busier I am, the more likely I will still be employed at the end of this year eh?

Its been eventful with so many things I can't share here. But I can share this: My mum just had the most rip-roaring 60th birthday this weekend. We had it at the SAF chalets in Changi and more than 50 people came. The food was awesome, the company great and people we haven't seen in a long time showed up so it was quite cool.

My cousin Shal and I made my mother this poster as a keepsake for people to sign on. I thought she will like it it. I didn't expect her to cry.

She had her dance with her husband, which she wanted very much, and really liked her diabetic friendly cupcakes, so I think she was happy.

Me, I was just freaking out at every little thing that didn't go exactly according to plan. Like I always do. :)


midnightsunshine said...

u r awesome just for doing the event!!

Vix said...

sounds like she really enjoyed it!
how did hanan's speech go??