Sunday, December 6


Cityhall Starbucks-people watching-everyone-waiting for someone-dates-firstdates-blinddates-datingagency?-maybe marriage broker-printed page with photos-profiles.

E-bay businessman - meeting place - 4 clients - good day?

Kids Studying - execs working on laptop - friends meeting - Salvo girls with red pot - bells ringing - are you listening - Live music - sponsored by Mastercard - people shopping - waiting - watching - laughing.

Starbucks City Hall - is noone there for the coffee?

Rain- misted doors - fairylights -looks like Christmas - crowds everywhere - train crowds, office crowd - dinner crowd - drinks crowd- date crowd. Oxymoron? - Husbands - wives - kids - maids - celebration of life - reflection of Christ?

In the midst - chaos and order - me- Waiting- watching- Hoping- To be done soon - 1/2 dozen donuts in the bag - to eat with my boy at home - Still waiting - Still watching.

Phone beeps- message- sorry - held up- can't make it - how about Sunday? Suddenly weary- slightly peeved - remember donuts- get up with purpose - goodby Starbucks - home.

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