Tuesday, August 15

I need a new Hobby

Now that I am done with my salsa lessons, I need another hobby to make my life more exciting. You know, other than work, work and ... oh yeah. Work.

Here are a few options that I am considering. Maybe you, my dear readers, (yes, both of you), can tell which one fits my persona better.

1) Papier Mache
You remember this from Primary school right? All done with newspaper, homemade glue and a lot of mess. At the end of the day, you should have a lopsided bowl, or a vase with no opening or something similarly useless.

I am kinda hoping that age and a longer concentration span will help me to make this effort more promising than it was when I was 8. And it's something I can do with Hanan.
Cheap and good! Right up my alley.

2) Golf
I have always wanted to do this so that I can marry gorgeous blonde women. No, but seriously, it always looked like a good thing to learn, not to mention the obvious networking benefits. Besides my father-in-law is apparently a pro at golf, so it will be nice to play it with him when I go visit. (Score points lah!)
But since I am such a miser, I will probably go for the golfkaki thing by NTUC first before I spend serious moolah on this. Sekali I suck big time how?

3) Study HR
Human resources has always been a secret interest, mainly because I am quite kaypoh, and like to poke my nose into other people's business and tell them how to improve their lives. I am thinking of doing the basic cert in HR offered by SHRI, and then concentrate on the training aspect. It will combine my two most inert skills - talking and kaypoh-ing. What could be better than that?

Truth be told, I am getting a bit sick of marketing. A lof of fluff and flamboyance, just to peddle some product. What's the point, I say? Noone appreciates what you do, except maybe other marketeers, but who cares what they think anyway. Bunch of fluffers.

So, the polls are open! Option 1, 2 or 3. Your vote counts!

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