Wednesday, January 30

Life, Death and Matrimony

Lately I have been having many experiences that cross the 3 main events in a human being's life, so when a friend mentioned today that I haven't blogged in a long time, I thought I would like to talk about this.

This week alone, I attended one funeral, one wedding and 2 of my friends had babies. Quite a few of them are also pregnant, due "anytime now!" as they like to inform me.

The wedding was that of a friend from polytechnic, a happygolucky "take it easy policy" guy. As I watched the ceremony and the shy surreptitious smiles he was exchanging with his bride, I wondered how as a species we adapt to the 180 degree change in lifestyle which comes with marriage and children.

In today's world, change is the only constant. I remember thinking "wa lau, so cliche!" the first time I read that. But it is so true.

The funeral was of this colleague who worked at the Bowling Alley at the Club. He was 61, one year short of his retirement and rest. At his funeral, I found out he had a terminally ill wife, who was in ICU and didn't know he was dead. He was also sole custodian of his 2 grandchildren.

I wonder what his dreams must have been like when he got married, and his kids were born. The dreams he had. The ambition to be the best dad, husband, lover, colleague, friend. The things that I get to be at different times every day and never give a thought to. (well, except dad, cos I am a mum, but you get the picture.)

Then I think about Jesus speaking to his disciples and saying, I will be with you, even unto the ends of the earth. And that comforts me, knowing that in all my failures and planning and triumphs, I have Someone who will be constant. Does not change. Always the same.

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