Tuesday, February 5

Taxi Woes

Ok, I am just tired of hearing cabbies gripe about the recent fare hikes have rendered them fare-less, income-less and whatever the hell else-less. I get it. The fare hike means more people don't want to take taxis when buses and trains will do them fine.

But you know, I have hard days at work too. I also work up 12 hours a day, and I also feel like I am underpaid and overworked. At the end of the day, I am so tired that I feel like I can treat myself to a taxiride and the LAST THING I want to hear is how bad YOUR life is.

Forgive me if I sound churlish and you are a taxi driver and are affronted by my tirade. (Or you know a taxi driver or... I digress). But there are only so many ways a passenger can hint that they would rather just be queit and sunk into their own thoughts while still maintaining tact and being diplomatic. Please take our cues and leave us alone if we are doing any of these things:

1) Plugging in our headphones
2) Calling, smsing or generally fiddling with our phone.
3) Not making eye contact
4) Going "mm" , "ah" or "ya" to your impassioned statements of injustice
5) Not answering at all
6) Sitting back wth our eyes closed
7) Snoring
8) Reading a book or magazine or the "surcharges" sticker
9) Trying to open the door while the cab is moving
10) Writing "help me" signs and showing them to passing drivers

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