Sunday, February 17

If only

I think there are no words sadder than this. If only.

If only I knew then what I know now.
If only someone told me. (Chances are, someone did)
If only I hung in there longer.
If only I left when I had a chance.
If only I told him how I felt.

If only he loved me back.

But, I didn't, they tried, I refused to hang, I am still not leaving, I can't tell him and he doesn't.

Someone once told me, to get out of bad situtation, the key is to give it everything you've got to make it work. And if it still doesn't, get out and never look back.

People are always going on about how strong I am, and I am sick of it. The strong one, the rational one, the one that doesn't give up. I think I am ready to be weak, to be impetuous and to throw my hands up and say, "I am done!"

The question is, will I still be me?

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