Friday, April 4

Say What?

Hanan and I were playing a fun game: Think of words that have more than one meaning when used in different contexts. (Ok, this may not seem like fun to most people, but we are strange that way.)

Anyway, we were happily playing along.

Park (as in trees). Park (as in park your car).
Light (illumination). Light (not heavy).
Mouse (rodent). Mouse (computer device)

And suddenly Hanan, my sweet innocent 8 year old goes, "Ice!!!"

"Ice?", I quiz.

"Yeah, ice. As in frozen water or the slang name for the drug, " he announces triumphantly.

I freeze (no pun intended). My baby just alluded to knowledge of crystal methamphetamine,something that, in my perfect utopian world, no kid should know about. Or adults for that matter.
Who has been trying to push ice to my kid?
Where is this monster? Should I call the police?
Should I move?
Should I turn myself in for being a negligent parent, who has inadvertently exposed her kid to drugs?

My voice shaking, my heart pounding, I collect my nerves, steady my voice and ask, "That's good, darling. Now where did you hear about ice?"

"Oh, these guys from CBS, or CNN or something, came to our school during assembly and told us about it. And how drugs can destroy your life."

My mind raced. CBS, CNN.... "CNB? Was it CNB, son?" I ask.

"Yeah, CNB. Came with policemen and all", he informs me nonchalantly.

Ah. The penny drops. Looks like the Central Narcotics Bureau is still doing its rounds at schools, telling kids more about drug abuse and drug varities than any kid has any business knowing.

Good on them. I think.

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