Tuesday, December 23

Soon it will be Christmas Day

After a month of hustle and bustle, preparing for a musical, buying presents, sending cards, meeting friends and generic running around like headless chicken, its time for me to stop. And think about Christmas and what it means to me.

Before I became a Christian, it was a day to go to church. Yes, strangely enough, my mum always let us go to whatever Christmas thingie my aunt's church organised. It was one way for her to get us out of her hair and yet ensure we were safe and supervised.

Then Christmas became about parties and seeing friends. I remember one season when Christmas always meant going to the Wicks' and basically hang out still they very gently told us to leave. And then of course, Christmas lunch with Joshua and the gang.

Then once Hanan was born, Christmas became more fun. Putting up the tree, hanging decorations, making gingerbread cookies, buying, wrapping and hiding presents, and then revelling in the joy on his face when he opens them.

With Hanan away this Christmas, it won't be the same, but I think I have had time to dwell on the true meaning of Christmas.

I am redeemed because of Christmas. And even if I get no presents, have no parties and don't see anyone, I still know I am loved.

And that's Christmas enough for me.

1 comment:

shroom said...

and jack says: "thats what christmas is".

(= (=