Tuesday, June 9


I have been hankering for an oven recently, after throwing out my old decrepit one in December along with a whole bunch of other kitchen junk i no longer needed.

It's funny that I haven't felt the need for one till recently when the plethora of good recipes on www.foodgawker.com have made me want to grill and bake again.

So, through an angel who will remain unnamed I got this Moulinex Compact Chef Oven for a very afforable price. Well this is not the exact thing, but it looks something like this.

And now, I realise that I need to get all the peripherals that go with it - cookie sheets, cake pans, muffin pans, stoneware, etc etc...

This is gonna be fun! And just in time too.


tiffy said...

so does this mean we can expect yummies from you soon? (;

nAl said...

It is always a possibility, Tiffster!

tiffy said...


no one has EVER called me tiffster!!!

i kinda like it though. sounds punk-ish. like short form for tiff-the-gangster.

i feel you sista! ;D

shroom said...

hahahahahaha so that's why hanan's been bringing us awesome baked stuff!