Monday, February 16

I think the most underrated weekend activity is - a nap.

You hear people talk about wild weekends at Bintan or going clubbing or -horrors- cleaning the house. But seldom is the humble nap given its due. I dedicate today's blog post to-- the nap.

As a species we dont sleep enough. This is true. If you believe that God made nighttime for sleeping, then maybe we should spend all of it in bed right. For us lucky folks who live near the equator, thats 7 pm to 7 am sleeping. (Don't feel jealous, you of temeperate climate - if u lived in a place with 99% humidity, you'll wanna sleep more too)

But instead, we have this wonderful thing called electricity. And born of it lights, radio, television, computers - all designed to make us spend more time awake. Keeping us tired, making us work.

But the weekend nap - aah! What a thing of beauty. To curl up in the heat of the afternoon after a large lunch (prerequisite for nap), close the curtains, turn on the air con (or fan, for us poor folk) and sink beneath waves of unconsciousness.

The best thing about the Saturday afternoon nap, is that you can wake up, see that its 4 and - wait for it- turn around and go back to sleep! Because its not like you have to sleep early on Saturday night to prepare for work the next day. Thats a condition attached to the Sunday nap. But Saturday, you can sleep all through to Sunday morning if you like. How cool is that?

Haiku Time
How sweetly sleep calls me
at 2 in the afternoon
bliss is spelled as - nap.

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