Tuesday, May 6

The Many Uses of Bath Foam

Ok, straight off, I want to put down a disclaimer that if there are any readers who are squeamish about female issues, stop reading now.

Now that that's done with, here is a trip down memory lane.

Remember those laundry detergent ads from our childhood with people in white lab coats? The well groomed dudes who always are conducting some kind of product test to a group of easily impressed women?

Anyway, one line from that ad always caught my attention as a child.
" Washes away dirt, grease and blood. Just rub a little on the stain, and the rest in the wash..."

I remember thinking, who is this person who keeps getting blood on their clothes. In my innocent little mind I am thinking kids who fall down a lot, etc.

Then I attained womanhood. And the reference to blood made sense. That's who deals with bloody clothes on a regular, frequent basis - fecund women who realise early that bloodstains are darn near impossible to get out of those lovely lacey undies.

I used to belong to that sad group, where no amount of soaking, scrubbing and "rubbing a little on the stain" helped. In most cases, the shadow of a stain remained. If I had a dollar for every stained but otherwise still serviceable panty i threw away, I will be able to buy stock in the lingerie company.

But one day, quite by accident, I found the perfect solution. Having run out of laundry detergent, I grabbed the nearest soap-type product, which happened to be my bath foam and quickly rubbed it onto the stain before it got a chance to set. I expected to just use it as a stop gap, but lo and behold, on the first rinse, the stain totally disappeared! No shadow, no soaking, nothing!

That's my secret to clean underwear now. Bath foam. Preferably the kind with some kind of skin lightening or whitening ingredient. Apparently those create a higher oxygen reaction which is the best thing getting rid of blood stains.

And honestly, I rather have bath foam on my underwear than bleach.

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