Before you were formed
I knew you.
A tiny red dot on a pale blue dot.
I prepared the hearts of men and women,
Valiant and adventurous,
who were passionate about me and my people.
And you.
They came in big steamships,with the EIC.
And started to build My house.
For you.
I saw you in your infancy.
Your halting steps as you struggled to
Make a difference in your corner of the world.
As trade and commerce flourished, I saw you stretch your hands
To meet the needs of the old, the infirmed, the defenceless.
I watched as your face changed,
from white and foreign,
to brown and yellow and local.
I prospered your people across the nation
Blessed them to be a blessing.
On a tiny red dot on a pale blue dot.
When you plunged into turmoil,
And war tore through your veins.
How I longed to gather you up.
But I stayed my hand, and let your raise yourself,
And I preserved you, as my people prayed.
I healed your land and made it strong,
Strong enough to stand on its own.
AndI watched you standing there, through the strife
Shining glorious and bright.
Full of fire and energy for this new nation.
The tiny red dot on a pale blue dot.
Like a true daughter of Sarah,
I saw you get younger & more radiant
as the years went by.
Pooling together when needed.
Finding an itch and scratching it.
Making Me known.
You call yourself by many names
You put on many garments.
But you will always be My cherished bride.
I prepared you for My glory.
You are the church,
in the tiny red dot on a pale blue dot.
You are beloved.
You are Mine.