I am usually in such good health that when I do fall sick, it really frightens me.
I have been nursing a sore throat and cough for about a week now, but on Friday, my throat to swell up. I looked like a bullfrog, which is not good since I seem to be running into a second chin anyway. It was painful to talk, eat, or even swallow saliva. I don't mind the not eating, but how was I going to survive without talking?! :)
So in a mindless panic, I went to see a doctor, who prescribed a dose of antibiotics. The swelling is gone down, but man, it sure does still hurt. However, I think the worse is over and I am going to live.
Which I why I think healing is probably the most under-rated of God's miracles. People were impressed by Jesus raising the dead, but he healed more people that He brought back to life. And he continues to heal.
SO my healing is in there somewhere as well. And I am glad for it.
There are many reasons to blog. The sheer pleasure of seeing your thoughts in words is one of them.
Sunday, March 29
Saturday, March 21
Theatre Review - Kumar, Stripped bare and standing up

It's been two years since Kumar's last show (proper show, not his weekly stints at some dive), and I was pumped. My friend has bought tickets the minute they went on sale and we had been talking about it ad nauseum. And as expected, Kumar did not fail us.
From the time he walked on through the audience to the simple curtain call, we were in stitches - enthralled, enamoured and entertained. Nothing was reverent - politics, race relations, gender preference, sexuality, family, friends.... if it had a punchline, Kumar delivered it. His impeccable comic timing coupled with the dramatic hand gestures drove home every joke, every point, every poignant moment. And Kumar can do more with a raised eyebrow than Dawyne Johnson ever could.
But like every Kumar performance I ever attended, his monologue had its share of pathos. The intimate details of his childhood, upbringing, passions and desires were juxtaposed against the backdrop of loneliness, fear, doubt and the longing for acceptance.
Ever the consummate performer, Kumar weaves the sadness into his mayhem, playing it down, making it palatable to an audience who are there, primarily, to laugh.
My personal little moment came when I was heading home after the show. We had gone for a drink (or 4) at pump room and I declined a ride home from my friends and was heading in the opposite direction towards the taxi stand. And suddenly a vision in bright orange togs and heavy stage make up appears before me. It was the man of the hour himself. Emboldened by the mojitos and a genuine desire to meet him, I walked up to him.
N: Hi, Kumar!
K: (looked startled and ready to flee)
N: I just wanted to tell you how much I enjoyed your show at the Esplanade tonight (stretch out my hand)
K: (Looks a little releived and takes it) Oh, thank you so much!
N: No, Thank YOU so much. It was brilliant!
Kumar bows a little, with hands in namaste position. I walk on, hoping that i don't fall in with the vast number of "biggest fans" that he is accosted by, probably on a daily basis.
Cos I don't want to be just another fan.
Congratulations to Mr Miyagi on a brilliant job with the script. I am sure Kumar ad libbed like crazy, but I could tell that the material was well-researched and well put. Oh and thanks for the addition of Chinese jokes, we minorities appreciate it. lol
Thursday, March 19
Honour your parents?
It's been a long time since my parents agreed on anything. Even after the divorce, they seemed to pride themselves on their dichotomy of views, whether in reality, or just in principle.
I often remember either my dad or my mum going out of their way to make sure the views they represent are as opposite as they can possibly get to what they thought the other might present.
So when both of them, recently, expressed the same view about the unexplained sore on my leg, I got a bit worried.
"Go see a doctor! Get a blood sugar test done! Your family history of diabetes is very strong!"
Almost word for word, their reaction was the same. And of course, they wouldn't be good Indian parents if they didn't end with the ubiquitous guilt trip.
"As a parent, i can only advise you. If you don't listen, there is nothing I can do. I just hope it won't be too late."
My day, being my dad, and heaps more prone to exaggeration and melodrama than I am, had to add his unique spin, telling me uplifting anecdotes of how he knows people to lost their limbs to gangrene etc etc.
Needless to say, I went to the doctor the next day and had a blood sugar test done.
Not because I had any real fear, but because of the rarity of my parents agreeing on anything.
Now THAT is surely a sign, no? The chance of it happening is one in a million.
I often remember either my dad or my mum going out of their way to make sure the views they represent are as opposite as they can possibly get to what they thought the other might present.
So when both of them, recently, expressed the same view about the unexplained sore on my leg, I got a bit worried.
"Go see a doctor! Get a blood sugar test done! Your family history of diabetes is very strong!"
Almost word for word, their reaction was the same. And of course, they wouldn't be good Indian parents if they didn't end with the ubiquitous guilt trip.
"As a parent, i can only advise you. If you don't listen, there is nothing I can do. I just hope it won't be too late."
My day, being my dad, and heaps more prone to exaggeration and melodrama than I am, had to add his unique spin, telling me uplifting anecdotes of how he knows people to lost their limbs to gangrene etc etc.
Needless to say, I went to the doctor the next day and had a blood sugar test done.
Not because I had any real fear, but because of the rarity of my parents agreeing on anything.
Now THAT is surely a sign, no? The chance of it happening is one in a million.
Saturday, March 14
Hanan in America - a blurry photo journey
3 months after the fact, I am finally getting around to some of the wierd pics of Hanan that he took while on holiday in the States. These will give you insight into the boy's soul rather than tell you anything about his trip.
He is kinda special, this kid.

I love this shot. I think it reflects alot about his personality. And that he looks so cute, of course.

Introduced to the joys of a bathrobe for the first time, Hanan immediately grasps the jedi role-play possibilities.

Ah, the classic orange slice in the mouth smile. Which of us didn't at least attempt this as a child?

Why is it that boys can't wait to grow a beard, and men shave everyday to get rid of one? And I want to stress that bubble beards come off much easier than bristly hair ones.

Hello, Grandpa! I ask you, what do you do with that expression?

This is a picture of Hanan speaking to me early Christmas morning. Note the umkempt afro. Note the delicious sleepy face. Note the slightly confused look in the eyes. (Wait, its Christmas evening for you and i just woke up?)
I love this kid.
He is kinda special, this kid.

I love this shot. I think it reflects alot about his personality. And that he looks so cute, of course.

Introduced to the joys of a bathrobe for the first time, Hanan immediately grasps the jedi role-play possibilities.

Ah, the classic orange slice in the mouth smile. Which of us didn't at least attempt this as a child?

Why is it that boys can't wait to grow a beard, and men shave everyday to get rid of one? And I want to stress that bubble beards come off much easier than bristly hair ones.

Hello, Grandpa! I ask you, what do you do with that expression?

This is a picture of Hanan speaking to me early Christmas morning. Note the umkempt afro. Note the delicious sleepy face. Note the slightly confused look in the eyes. (Wait, its Christmas evening for you and i just woke up?)
I love this kid.
God's Fairweather Friend
During lifegroup yesterday, it dawned on me that I am God's fairweather friend. I am happy to praise him, and pray and spend time reading my Bible when things are going well. But when I am faced with challenges, much like the many that exist right now, I tend to want to depend on my own wits to solve the problems.
It makes me wonder though. Isn't it suppose to be the other way around? People generally get own with their merry lives and tend to call on the Divine only when they need help.
To quote the inimitable Mervin P, am I retarded?
It makes me wonder though. Isn't it suppose to be the other way around? People generally get own with their merry lives and tend to call on the Divine only when they need help.
To quote the inimitable Mervin P, am I retarded?
Monday, March 9
The days are just packed
My apologies to Bill Watterson, but really isn't a more apt way to describe the weekend that just went by. It's been a long time since I cramped so much into a 48-hour time period and I am really glad I did.
The Sentosa picnic on Saturday was just awesome! I love it when my new friends and old friends get along and get together and do stuff! We played frisbee, water frisbee, volleyball, took long walks, ate all the yummy food A prepared, got wet in the rain, luged and ate till "sakit sa babuy" .Thanks to Al. for teaching me that Tagalog phrase, it exactly describes what we did and how we felt. I am really thankful for the time spent with R. just talking, connecting and sharing.
Dinner at The Handle Bar was pretty darn fabulous too. All that chicken and ribs, we made short work off. And the dinner conversation again, so both deep, and inane, which happens. I generally find that when I am around, things move rather quickly from "the sublime to the ridiculous". And it seldom takes more than a step.
It was a perfect end to a perfect day.
Sunday, we had our combined service. It really is cool to see the entire church - English, Chinese and Filipino services all together. From the first worship song on, I was in tears. And just when I stopped, Aunty J came on to sing, and I just lost it again. God's spirit was in the the HOUSE! It really made me think about how much power the Church has when it puts all its talents together and submits its will to the Father's.
As Pastor Klein said, we were always meant to be a powerhouse, but we have been duped into letting our identity get stolen. Wow! That was such a word of truth. I hope that the awareness of that leads many of us to take back all that we were meant to be.
M & J's baby shower was next, at Ben & Jerry's no less. The ice cream was great, the childbirth stories alternating between terrifying and awe-inspiring. H had a ball, three scoops of ice cream, vanilla scented bubble makers and PSP game exchange notwithstanding. Me, I was just happy to be around all the haps people in my church. Soaking it in, wallowing in it and making it last.
Thanks all you lovely people who made this weekend so wonderful! I can't tell you how much you are loved!
The Sentosa picnic on Saturday was just awesome! I love it when my new friends and old friends get along and get together and do stuff! We played frisbee, water frisbee, volleyball, took long walks, ate all the yummy food A prepared, got wet in the rain, luged and ate till "sakit sa babuy" .Thanks to Al. for teaching me that Tagalog phrase, it exactly describes what we did and how we felt. I am really thankful for the time spent with R. just talking, connecting and sharing.
Dinner at The Handle Bar was pretty darn fabulous too. All that chicken and ribs, we made short work off. And the dinner conversation again, so both deep, and inane, which happens. I generally find that when I am around, things move rather quickly from "the sublime to the ridiculous". And it seldom takes more than a step.
It was a perfect end to a perfect day.
Sunday, we had our combined service. It really is cool to see the entire church - English, Chinese and Filipino services all together. From the first worship song on, I was in tears. And just when I stopped, Aunty J came on to sing, and I just lost it again. God's spirit was in the the HOUSE! It really made me think about how much power the Church has when it puts all its talents together and submits its will to the Father's.
As Pastor Klein said, we were always meant to be a powerhouse, but we have been duped into letting our identity get stolen. Wow! That was such a word of truth. I hope that the awareness of that leads many of us to take back all that we were meant to be.
M & J's baby shower was next, at Ben & Jerry's no less. The ice cream was great, the childbirth stories alternating between terrifying and awe-inspiring. H had a ball, three scoops of ice cream, vanilla scented bubble makers and PSP game exchange notwithstanding. Me, I was just happy to be around all the haps people in my church. Soaking it in, wallowing in it and making it last.
Thanks all you lovely people who made this weekend so wonderful! I can't tell you how much you are loved!
Thursday, March 5
Funny truths about life in small small Singapore....
One of my colleagues sent this to me via email today. It struck a chord. I wonder what the 1000s of foreigners living here think of us and our unique form of self and civil governance?
1. Nite - Sleep with air-con; Day - Bathe with heater on
2. Day - Cannot Wake up; Nite - Cannot Sleep
3. Cigarettes - Convenient to buy; not convenient to smoke
4. Chewing Gum - Can Chew, Cannot buy?? (Restricted to buying)
5. Smell Of rubbish besides letterboxes; Rubbish inside Letterbox
6. Private Cars - Cheaper & Cheaper to Buy, harder & harder to maintain
7. Education - Teachers teaching Less but expects students to learn More
8. High-tech barbaric singaporeans - know how to use state-of-the art equipment, but dunno how to use a simple dustbin or a toilet
9. There are quite a number of rich/poor in spore - They have Car, Credit Card, CPF .... but no Cash and lots of loans
10. Translation is needed between Singaporean Chinese and Mainland Chinese
11. Sporean never like to vote, but like to complain
12. Half Sporeans rushed to buy Hello kitty, but the other half busy killing stray cats
1. Nite - Sleep with air-con; Day - Bathe with heater on
2. Day - Cannot Wake up; Nite - Cannot Sleep
3. Cigarettes - Convenient to buy; not convenient to smoke
4. Chewing Gum - Can Chew, Cannot buy?? (Restricted to buying)
5. Smell Of rubbish besides letterboxes; Rubbish inside Letterbox
6. Private Cars - Cheaper & Cheaper to Buy, harder & harder to maintain
7. Education - Teachers teaching Less but expects students to learn More
8. High-tech barbaric singaporeans - know how to use state-of-the art equipment, but dunno how to use a simple dustbin or a toilet
9. There are quite a number of rich/poor in spore - They have Car, Credit Card, CPF .... but no Cash and lots of loans
10. Translation is needed between Singaporean Chinese and Mainland Chinese
11. Sporean never like to vote, but like to complain
12. Half Sporeans rushed to buy Hello kitty, but the other half busy killing stray cats
Wednesday, March 4
Random Post
I am really happy with the way things are going with the two of you. Not that I am hoping that something will happen. But if something does, then yey!
The highlight of my week has been planning for Good Friday service. I am pumped about producing it - not the work, maybe, but the excitement of it. Sometimes, I really feel like I am in the wrong job. The theatre beckons.
Kaya toast yesterday was a wonderful treat. It was such a simple thing, but it added to the wholeness of my day. Anyone know what I mean?
Have resolved to talk to people at church who are not like me.
I really think curly hair makes me feel more mischievous.
Everytime I watch him talk about something he is really impassioned about, I just melt a little by the fire issuing from his eyes. Everytime I think about how close we are, and yet how far apart, I die a little inside.
Haven't had chocolate today. But it is early yet.
The highlight of my week has been planning for Good Friday service. I am pumped about producing it - not the work, maybe, but the excitement of it. Sometimes, I really feel like I am in the wrong job. The theatre beckons.
Kaya toast yesterday was a wonderful treat. It was such a simple thing, but it added to the wholeness of my day. Anyone know what I mean?
Have resolved to talk to people at church who are not like me.
I really think curly hair makes me feel more mischievous.
Everytime I watch him talk about something he is really impassioned about, I just melt a little by the fire issuing from his eyes. Everytime I think about how close we are, and yet how far apart, I die a little inside.
Haven't had chocolate today. But it is early yet.
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