Friday, May 25

New Boss

So I finally have a new boss. Actually, he is not really new anymore, he has been with us for 2 weeks now, but I wanted to wait to see if he was going to stick around before I wrote him up.

First thing, he is a he. This is actually my first experience working for a male boss, cos all the marketing divisions I have been in before have been female dominated, for some reason. So that's a first in itself.

Secondly, he is my first close up metrosexual. He is a spiffy dresser, all tight shirts and narrow pants, looks like he works out, has short hair and bling bling on his ears and fingers. He is also a little bit er.. expressive with the hands and face, which is very rare in most men who work in the IT industry. And I did not say what you probably think I said.

He has all the fire of a new employee who is driven to prove his worth to his boss, to establish his importance as new rooster in the yard with his peers and to show his subordinates that he knows more than them.

Will it last? We shall see.

Right now, I just wish he wouldn't come up and talk to me just after he has had a cigarette. I feel like Donkey in Shrek right after Shrek farted on him.

"I had my mouth open and everything!"

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