Monday, March 3

Too much going on

There are too many things happening right now, and I need to pull back and take stock. Thoughts, feelings and emotions are all jostling for space in the short time-space continuum that I inhabit and I feel woefully inadequately equipped sometimes.

It's at times like this that I wish I had someone else's job. Major pay cut notwithstanding, it will perhaps be nice to, for a while, be the aunty to hands out towels at the hotel pool. Or the lady who restacks books on library shelves. Or mans the visitor's centre desk in the middle of Orchard Road, where I will be a welcome beacon of information and light to the lost millions (of tourists).

I probably couldn't do it for more than a week. But for a change, it might be nice.

Do I sound ungrateful and discontent? Yeah, I think I do, when I really have nothing to complain about.

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