Tuesday, June 17

18 million

That's how many minutes I have already been blessed to receive so far and I hope there will be another 18 million to look forward to. At least.

It a very good thing, a birthday. It makes you take stock of things in a different light. And people are nice to you. Very nice.

I started mine with breakfast with T. It was her wedding anniversary (26 years!!!) and her husband is away, so we decided to celebrate both occasions with a decadent breakfast at Delifrance. Yum yum. Never underestimate the happiness butter and croissants can brng you.

Then I got on a slow boat to Little India to meet my dad for lunch. It is the first time in a long while that I saw my dad on my birthday, but it felt right. He is one of my biggest cheerleaders and a huge celebrant of my life, so it was fitting that he was there.

We shared a plate of "kothu parata", which I didn't really like, and regaled me with tales of his work and life, which I loved. The thing about my dad is, he can take the most mundane, boring, everyday event, and dramatise it to the point where you are on the edge of your seat and biting your fingernails frantically, waiting to see how it all ends. I wish I had that gift.

After dad went back to work, I wended my way to Shaw Centre (House? I can never remember), hoping to see a movie I missed. Turns out both Prince Caspian and Sex and the City were showing. I finally decided on Prince Caspian, because I was in a deep, reflective kinda mood as opposed to frivolity. (don't get me wrong, I love frivolity in the right mood.)

Prince Caspian was a good movie in many ways, but maybe i am dumbing down or something, but I didn't really get all that theology that some people I know were raving about. It was a good story about a king taking his rightful place with a little help from his friends. Hmm, I wonder which other epic fantasy story adapted into a screenplay had this storyline.

But the cream and chocolate shavings topping on the perfect day was yet to come.......


Anonymous said...

i want to meet your dad!
he sounds like just my kind of storyteller... heh.


Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday! Glad it was great for you, and thanks for the BD SMS even though it was on the wrong day, and I was walking along the Great Wall when I received it. haha!

As some motor-vehicular tire company says: More Good Years ahead!