Look at that. What can you say in the presence of such sumptuousness? And this is one I didn't eat.

R and KH are friends from before. And if you have to ask before when, clearly you weren't there. Heh heh.
As we sat and talked and tried to ignore the sound of the funky fountain, which made some of us need to pee more than once, it struck me - wow, these are people I can be quiet and spaced out with, and they won't think I am a total ditz. Oh they might, but it would be ok.
We shared so much that night - memories of the past, hopes for our futures, we talked of the meaningful and the mundane, "of shoes, ships and sealing wax and of cabbages and kings" as Lewis Carroll wrote.
Though we didn't solve world hunger or even each other's problems, I think we all felt a little bit richer for having the others in our lives. I know I did.
This is what church is, I thought. A group of people who share life, feed hopes and dreams and are God-with-skin, as Sy Rogers says, to each other.
I am so glad I have this.