Monday, July 21


So, in case you, dear reader, start thinking that my so called trip to Sydney was just a well-imagined day dream, here are some photos to make it all real!

Apologies to all the peeps I stole photos from. I was too overwhelmed to take my own.

The peeps

Hot Dog!! At the Roma Coffee Festival. Australian Cafe Latte is probably one of the best in the world.

In case you have never seen this building before, this is the Sydney Opera House. Now say ooooh, ahhhh! Good.

Beam me up Scotty!

Duh, really!



Wow! You're really in Sydney! And I thought it was just ... er.. nvm. Enjoy yourself !

nAl said...

I am back, David. But thanks, I did.

Anonymous said...

Interesting to know.