Sunday, June 24

Love Thy Brother

It's hard to be half-sister sometimes.

I have 2 brothers, one from my mother and father and the other from my dad and step-mother. The second one, I never really got to see growing up, because my visits to my dad's place were sporadic at best and non-existent at times. The reason: my stepmother and I didn't quite get along. She thought I was a lazy, spoilt rich girl who did not deserve the incredibly good father I had. I, of course, resented her for taking my dad away from us. Caught in this cold war was the innocent little Brother No 2.

So Brother 2 pretty much grew up as an only child. Sure he had an elder sister and brother in name, but for the most part he was by himself.

So I guess I shouldn't be surprised that he feels some resentment now.

Yesterday was my birthday celebration with my dad, and both my brothers were supposed to come along. But at the last minute, my second one told my dad he wasn't coming. When asked why, he lashed out at my dad, "Why should I come to my sister's birthday, who wasn't even there for me half my life?"

Ouch. When my dad told me, that stung. It stung all the more because it's true, that my mindshare for this brother is minimal - only birthdays and Deepavali. I think about him if there is occasion to, but not otherwise.

So his comment is not false. It still hurts though. I am sorry that I wasn't there for you more, but I hope you will one day understand the circumstances that led to that.

Meanwhile, your resentment is justified. And I still have love for you.


Anonymous said...

gosh,.... feel for u...
that must have been hard....
i hope somehow he will slowly understand the situation...


Spider42 said...

its sad, but true..
families and relationships can be so hard and often taken for granted when it suits us.. we rarely realise when we're hurting someone we care about, and it can sting all the more so because of that...
i hope you and him can work it out, for better or worse, our family is our own and shouldnt be given up on..