Monday, June 4

PC Show -The aftermath

Everyone who worked the PC show came in today looking slightly dazed. I think its the IT equivalent of post-show blues, where you feel like life will never be the same again.

It's been a strange experience, this show. Sure you have the bargain basement crowd, who compare the cheapest printers from two brands, everything down to the last spec and then say,"I will consider", like it's some lifechanging decision. There was this one woman who took out a magnifying glass(!), and compared a laser print to the offset printed brochure and kept saying "Hen Lan ah! Hen Lan ah!" (Very bad, very bad) until I just wanted to stuff the printout down her throat.

Then there are the absolute princes of customers, who do their homework before they come, walk straight up to the model they want, pick it up and go. These guys are such a pleasure to serve - they know their stuff and don't act like total buffoons over the price.

Speaking of pricing, everyone knows that PC show is where all the prices come down right? So why do some people insist on trying to bargain you down? "$159 ah? $150 lah! Why cannot?" The worse is people who tried and bargain the free gift. "Free 1B thumbdrive ah? why cannot 2GB?" Because we only bought 1GB thumbdrives, dipstick, and if you don't know how this works, then I can't help you.

Again PC show is where all the Indian expat/ software engineer (ISE) types come out in full force. And again, they come in various hues - of personality. This year I encountered 3 types.

Mr Sensitive
There are 4000 people in the hall, all talking. Music is blaring. People with mics are yelling out specs for 100 different products.

ISE: How much is this printer?
(Note: all the prices are printed in size 300 font and stuck above the printers)
Me (loud and clear): $159 sir!
ISE: No need to shout! you can just tell me nicely! Why are you yelling at me?
ISE: There is no need to shout (walks away)
Me: Awww, are you going to go home and tell your mother the mean lady at the PC show shouted at you?

Mr Racial Loyalist
This whole exchange was in Tamil.

ISE (to friend): So costly this printer!
Me: Can I show you another cheaper model?
ISE: Oh, you are Tamil speaking! Yes, show me another model (Indian head nod)
10 minutes later
ISE: I will take this model. Even though it's more expensive than XYZ brand, I will take it, because you are also Tamil speaking.
Me: Thank you sir. you won't regret your decision.
ISE: So since we are both Tamil, you can give me an extra free gift, no?

Mr I'm too sexy for your printer

He walked into the booth like he was walking onto a yacht. And he IS so vain, he probably thinks this post is about him. (Apologies to Carly Simon)
ISE: Heh heh heh heh
Me: Yes, sir? How can I help you?
ISE: I am looking for a printer. Anything you can show me?
Me: Monochrome or colour?
ISE: Maybe we can sit down somewhere and discuss my options? Heh heh heh
Me: I am working, sir. Can I explain the options now?
ISE: Heh heh, here is my card. Maybe you can call me to discuss more, heh?
Me: Sure! I will call you.

ISE walks away. I crumpled up his card and throw it on the floor.

And that's all I have to say about that.


3 days I was at this show and noone showed up to show me love. The one day I was off (Sunday), my buddy Jared comes, brings a mocha frappe, waits an hour, calls me 7 times (which I didn't see, cos I was home listening to a online sermon with my husband)and leaves.

My friends are the best! I am sorry I missed you, darling, and after this, you have a place in my heart, always.

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