It was just a fleeting moment that their eyes met - 2 strangers walking down crowded Orchard Road. He noticed her animated hands and dazzling smile as she explained something complex to her companion. She saw his unusual height, dark eyes and the intense way he was looking at her.
Their gaze held for less than 2 seconds before they passed each other, so she had to turn around to take a second look. She did this surreptitiously, hoping her companion will not notice her brazen act of flirtation.
As she looked in the stranger's direction, she noticed that he was turning too. Oh no, this can't be happening, she thought, horrified to be caught up in such a cliched moment.
But it was happening. He turned around and gazed at her as well. Blushing to her very core, she gave him a shy smile, which he returned, acknowledging it with his eyes. They both recognised a connection - 2 human beings that identified something about each other that was worthy of the other's notice.
Did they discover that they somehow knew each other? Maybe in another situation, another time, another life? Some might say so. But at that moment, all that mattered was that in that sea of humanity that is Orchard Road at Christmas time, 2 people met and bonded. For 2 seconds.
Turning back around, she continued on her way and he on is. There was no need for more. Everything the other needed was fulfilled in that 2 second exchange.
"Were you checking that guy out?", her friend asked, accusation and envy in his voice.
"No,lah. Of course not," she said, linking her arm through his to placate him.
But she knew - it was way more than that.