Monday, December 18

4 days more!!

There are 4 more days to opening night of Baghdad Cafe - a musical production of Full Gospel Assembly, and as usual, there is gonna be a huge miracle involved in pulling this off.

But it's a miracle that will happen. Because it happens every year.
Every year, the musical does not get written till 2 weeks before Christmas.
Every year, full run rehearsals only happen the week of the performance.
Every year, scores of people crawl out of the woodwork to help with a million last minute tasks like cutting out tickets, arranging seating, ushering and catering.

And every year, they put up a bang up show with original score, talented actors, awe inspiring singing and innovative sets.

There is something to be said for working within the family - somehow everybody knows what needs to be done and eventually someone does it. It will not win any Tonies, Oscars or Emmys, but it will touch hearts and possisbly change lives. That's what I love most about Christmas pageant and plays - the simple heart warming touch that reflects the Person that first touched us.

Come watch it. Bagdad Cafe

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

nal! uve GOT TO READ THIS. i was shitting myself with laughter: