Wednesday, December 13

So, what do you do?

I find that when people ask me this question, I tend to go into in depth detail about the things that I do in my office during working hours. The success of projects, the annoying idiosyncracies of colleagues, the frustration of justifying ideas to the management and of course all the mundane budgets and reports.

But this is just what I do to put bread on the table and provide my family with shelter against the elements. What I actually do on a day to day basis that have meaning, fulfillment and joy, usually have nothing to do with what takes place between 9-6 , Monday to Friday.

So the next time someone asks me what I do, this will be my answer.

1) I worship an awesome and mighty God, who provides everything I need, and his Son Jesus Christ, who took my sins in exchange for His Life.

2) I raise a wonderful boy, who amazes me everyday with his talents and blesses me with his laughter.

3) I relish and maintain close relationships with the ones I love, koffeeklatsching, movie watching or just hanging. I try and make my presence felt in their lives.

4) I am writing a book - historic fiction, in a sense, a biograpy in another. If you really want to know what it's about email me, cos I don't want to see it on Oprah's Book Club with someone else's name on it. :-)

5) I transcribe sermons for my church, so that future generations will remember the foundations that God provided us. Currently they use the transcripts for daily devotion emails, but I like to think what I do has far reaching impacts.

6) I dance. I have completed Salsa, and had learned Indian dance in my childhood. Now I am moving on to the Charleston. I am learning that from Sinclair Ang, a good friend, great dancer and wonderful human being. I don't dance to exercise, or lose weight, as people insist of believing, but to express the joy in my heart with my body.

7) I do anything associated with theatre. Free or paid, I am there. I will watch, build sets, write scripts, block, act, cue sound or stage manage. Free or paid. It's the only thing I will quit my 9-6 job for.

There. That's what I do. A little long winded, but now you know.

Unless of course, they ask me what I do for a living. Then I have to say:-

(droning voice) I am hired to corporately and commercially market the services of a local SME that resell computer supplies and hardware.

Now which answer do you prefer?

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