Wednesday, December 27

Because I am lazy...

Hey, since I am waaay too lazy to post pics about my Christmas party, I am going to refer all of you to Shal's blog instead. Read about it and see pictures at

Oh, and here is the key to making good dhalcha.

7:00 am to 2 p.m. - visualise the dhalcha, make sure you have all the ingredients and pray hard that it will turn out ok.

2p.m. - 5 p.m. - Take a nap (Do not skip this step, or else you run the risk of ruining the whole dish.) - put dhal, meat, potoatoes and carrots on the boil. Add salt to taste. Quarrel with husband about how you are working, for Pete's sake and please get out of the kitchen.

6:00 - prepare the oil and spice mixture (Thaalippu in Tamil) and throw it in with the boiled stuff. Add curry powder and salt to taste. Yell at husband about how he is no help.

7:15 pm: Serve with hot butter rice to general accolades and applause. Take ALL the credit.

Oh, and dhalcha tastes better the next day, so make sure you make enough to have leftovers.

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