Tuesday, April 24

Oral examinations

For those of you who thought this post was about something else, shame on you.

This is, in fact, about that componenent of all exams in Singapore, which test your language skills by making you, read, converse and describe a picture. Students in Singapore do this in both English and their Mother tongue.

You see where I am going with this.

Hanan is taking his first oral exam this semester. In Primary One, they got away with a "Show and Tell" type deal, where parents had a chance to coach and train and practise with the kid. But in Primary Two, it's the real thing - sight unseen passage for reading, and a picture of some kiddie scene, like a playground or a zoo, to describe and talk about.

The English one should be a breeze. The Tamil one has us all nervous. I am kicking myself for totally wasting the last 5 months by not doing ANY reading with him. He is wondering why his parents are making him undergo this torture.

The oral segment of the exam is 20% of the final grade. I hope he at least clears 10%. Will keep you posted.

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