Wednesday, April 25

Pre-Interview for India Trip

On Sunday, the TV crew came to my house to do a pre-trip interview for the show, Mudhal Payanam, which I have blogged about before.

For the occasion, we gave the house a super thorough cleaning, even getting areas we haven't thought about before, like curtains and behind wardrobes (like anyone is going to film there!) But it was partly the excitement of a TV crew coming to my humble HDB flat to film me, which made us overprepare.

They were supposed to be there at 4:30 initially, but because of the freaky rain we been having, the previous shoot went longer. So they decided upon 5:30.

Then 6:00.

Then 6:30. Dust was beginning to gather. I was starting to panic.

Then 7:00. Dad and Hanan were getting antsy, so I started dinner, make-up melting and all.

Finally at 7:15, there is activity outside the house, the four man crew with a huge box of equipment turned up.

In a flash, they are set up and ready to go. I tell you man, 3 lights and a camera tripod sure take up a lot of space! There was hardly any room to move, what with 12 tripod legs, wires everywhere and about 7 people squeezing into a space meant for one or two!

In my excitement, I totally forgot to take pictures *slaps head*, but of course, you will see it all when it comes out on TV lah.

My dad had a lot of nice stuff to say about me - that I was not shy, friendly with everyone. Thanks Dad! That's why I love you. He also had a lot of interesting facts and trivia on the place I am supposed to go to. And his Tamil!! The beauty of the language really comes through when Dad speaks it.

Hanan said I was a wonderful mom because I bought him alot of Xbox games. Ugh. Hope they edit out the stuff after "wonderful". Otherwise, he was kinda shy and did't say much, but that's ok.

Otrie, of course had to really think hard for something nice to say, and in the end came up with how I get really excited about stuff, but lose the fire for it quickly as well. True lah, but don't have to say it on national television right?


On the whole, I think the interview went well. We couldn't do any outdoor shots because we had "lost daylight" as the producer put it, so that's gonna have to wait till after the trip. Hopefully, by then I will be so used to being filmed that I will be a lot more relaxed and vocal!

More updates soon!


Sangeeta said...

pls woman, record the pre-interview + actual show for me, i want to see!!

Anonymous said...

Full quote is...

"she gets really excited about stuff, and loses the fire for it quickly as well, but she will accomplish this mission; she will do what she has to do"

give or take a word or two.