Thursday, April 5

Random Things

I don't have alot of steady things to write about today, so I will just ramble on randomly and hopefully, it will be worth reading.

1) Happy Birthday Sangeeta!!
A big shout out to Sangeeta, who recently proved she is not only stunningly beautiful, but also uber smart, by getting a scholarship to do her masters in the Uni of Sweden!

Good on ya, girl! Go make us proud!

2) Congrats to Shalini!!
Yes, my little cousin (as in short) has kept the theatrical flame burning by bagging the role of Assistant Director in the production of Play, put up by the prestigiou Raffles Players. Ok, I dunno about prestigious, but she is excited much.

I will let you guys know when it opens, you ALL have to go watch it.

3) On a totally random note, Holland Village rocks man. I happen to be in the vicinity yesterday and was amazed by how much it has changed. Just the total wealth of new restaurants that have opened up is so spectacular. I decided to stick with an old favourite and had chimichangas at Cha Cha Cha, but man, the choices are mind boggling.

I was at Holland V, because I went to the Verite Production Studios for a photo shoot. They are doing this ultra cool opening sequence for Mudhal Payanangal (First Journeys), the show I will be in. It was fun pretending to be a model for a while. I tell you, it helps to have no shame whatsoever when you are doing these things. I cannot imagine how actors and celebs can say they are shy. Hello!! Don't bluff, can?

4) It's the day before Good Friday! Most people have no idea what the significance of this is, but Good Friday coincides with the Jewish Feast of Passover. Passover marks the day that God brought the Hebrew people out of Egypt (watch the Ten Commandments for details). On the night of the Passover, Hebrews were told to kill a lamb without blemish, and smear its blood on their doorpost. Whereever the blood is seen, Death would pass over that house.

And Jesus dying on the Feast of Passover signifies how he is the ultimate Passover Lamb. Christians beleive that once His blood is smeared on our doorposts (hearts), no evil will befall us.

Cool huh?

Ok, end of random post. Please resume regular life activities.

1 comment:

Sangeeta said...

ur the sweetest. and i always learn something new from u everyday :)
