Wednesday, January 14

:: flagrante delicia | leonor de sousa bastos' desserts ::: Mamma mia

:: flagrante delicia | leonor de sousa bastos' desserts ::: Mamma mia

This is what I'M talking about.

Chocolate tagliatelle with chocolate sauce. This is why a body like J.Lo's will always remain a dream for me.

Click here for the recipe. Leonor, I don't know you, but I want to have your babies.


shroom said...

it actually looks scary lor lin. hahahaha

nAl said...

yes, it's not for the weak-hearted, thats for sure.

But pasta and chocolate in one dish? It must be divinely appointed.

Vix said...

r u going to make this one day? (i don't think i can, its out of my simple recipes ability) coz i'd love to try it!! haha. i'm a beeeeg chocolate fan

nAl said...

Heh heh, vicki, when I start doing my dinner party stuff (see prev post), it just might happen.