Saturday, January 10

A week of 2009

It is the end of the first full week of 2009 and I already can see what my year is going to be like.

1) Hanan
The boy is in Primary 4, which is a streaming year. Which for you non-parents and non-Singaporeans translates to "We are going to, in a matter of 10 hours of testing or less, determine if your child is smart enough to be worth our investing educational resources into- to shape him into a mindless drone who may not be able to find true love, buy a house or get a job; or if he is going to be one of the proletarian semi-skilled workers, who will forever feel inadequate, dumb and looked down upon." *deep breath here*

I think my evenings are for the most part going to be engaged doing school work with my child, and basically making our time together one of work and more work.

Hence, my second point

2) Arts and culture
I want to take a learning journey into the worlds of theatre, music and arts during the weekends. Museum and library visits notwithstanding, I want Hanan and I to grow to be connoiseurs of the arts and culture. Which means a lot more time spent out and about, rather than home and in front of the TV/ Xbox.

3) Drama Ministry
Really want this to take off this year. We have the talents, we have the hearts, and for sure we have the anointing. Just have to figure out how to set it up and keep it going. Not that I know for sure what I am doing. But God does, whew. But I am exciting about starting it, and delving deep into it. I really think it has great potential to be one of the strongest ministries around and the reach is just amazing. I am blathering now,but really, I'm pumped, and I want to go the distance with whatever God gives us for this.

4) Fitness and Food
Having started out with good intentions and some good habits this year, I hope to stay the course and continue. I think I owe it to myself to feel good and look good. For one thing, with all the highs and lows coming my way, I think I am going to need to energy to deal with them eh?

5)Making time for friends
I want to make more time for friends. Small dinner parties and such, now that circumstances permit such gatherings without fear or discomfort. Have had a few old friends come back into my life lately, and some new friendships I want to cultivate.
Now,if I can only stop everyone from going on and on about how far away Woodlands is. It really isn't, y'all!

And there it is. My year to be in summary. And if I feel like it, I might do a year in retrospect as some point.

1 comment:

shroom said...

sounds like a good plan!