Wednesday, January 7

New year, Old year

As I start this new year (yes, 6 days late, but what is a calendar except an ugly thing on your desk preventing you from reaching your stapler), I can't help but think of all the things I did last year which were really cool. Here are ten of them in no particular order. Especially not chronological.

Started attending FGA full time.
Went to Hillsong Conference.
Was part of Redemption Hill, the musical.
Organised, planned and successfully completed the May Day Charity.
Broke my ankle.
Got through 3 bosses and one office move and still at the same job.
Got a new bible from one of my fave people of all time.
Renewed, revitalised and recharged a few friendships.
Lived to see the first coloured President-elect of the USA.
Made some important life decisions that will leave me broke, alone but probably happy.

This year, I only have one goal - get my driver's license! I have put it off long enough.

1 comment:

shroom said...

i will keep you accountable to that! haha