Thursday, June 29

The Age of Polyester

What set apart style in the 70s from every other era before?

I think it was just that whole over the top glitz, glamour and Geegaws. No point doing a thing unless you are going to do it all the way. Why wear pants unless you can wear them tightest at the crotch and waay flared at the bottom. Why sport an afro unless its big enough to hide a few essential things in it?

Gold outfits. Polyester shirts. Collars an airplane could have landed on. Big Hair, big makeup, stuffed crotches (for boys) and runway chests (for girls). The glamour of the 70s was easy to replicate and looked great.

Me, I don't have a lot of 70s clothes. One pair of wildly patterned bell bottom jeans. One butterfly sleeved blouse. One pair of platform shoes. But when I wear them all together with some gold eyeshadow and big, big hair - I am the dancing queen baby!

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