Saturday, June 24


Its funny the curveballs life throws at you. Just when you think," My life is so boring, I wish something exciting will happen," WHAM!!! It hits you, right between your eyes.

Excitement has entered my days.

My GM quit. Short notice. I am so tired of losing the people at work that I love. Of course this changes everything. My first thought was, "Die lah! They going to fire me, because hiring me was his idea!"

i am so insecure sometimes. But no, my immediate boss has reassured me thats not going to happen, so heng. (This also means she has to cut her maternity leave short and come back early)

Then, I met someone from the past. An old friend who I wasn't quite fair to. But I am obviously forgiven, and we met for drinks to talk and reminisce (sp). Its funny the things you remember after 12 years. I just hope it won't be another 12 years before I can finally make amends.

Lastly, I think we have a reach a new plateau in our relationship. The Plateau of Mutual Respect. I was getting tired of being treated like the child while you have been there, done that, bought the T shirt and taken snapshots of the scenery. I know things too; especially non tangible things that one can only get from Wisdom.

These 3 major events are going to make the next few weeks unpredictable at the very least. Will she keep her job? Will her friend stick around long enough to accept apologies and explanations? Will she realise she actually knows nothing and the snapshot taker was right all along?

Tune in next week for the tale of "Nalinee's Life".

By the way, here is a cool word - zerorised (v.) to make some data into nothing but assigning it zero value in order to conceal some information.

Use it.

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