Thursday, September 21

It finally happened

I don't know if it's my body's unconscious need for a break, or all the stress that I am been facing lately, or really just bad weather and viruses everywhere, but I have finally fallen ill for the first time this year.

It feels weird, to be in bed, incapacitated and utterly miserable. I feel like I should be able to stand up, shake it off, and get on with life. Tried that, to abject failure yesterday. I realise that if you don't rest, your body will just shut down on its own. Otherwise known as passing out. A wise part of me said, "Nalinee, just shut up and go to the doctor!" So I did.

I realise that its hard for me to explain to a doctor what's wrong. I think that has something to do with the fear of being caught malingering (I have mum to thank for that, Ms 5 years with no MC!), so I am always nervous going to see a doctor. Sometimes also nervous that he will find out I am dying of something, which I would rather not know about.

Feared Scenario No 1
"You Liar! There is nothing wrong with you! You are just a lazy arse that doesn't want to work, right? No MC, go back to work now!"

Feared Scenario No 2
" Oh my God! Why didnt you come see me about this earlier? Its too late, we can't help you anymore! Have you made out your will?"

Paranoid? Maybe. But here is a confession. I have nothing but contempt for people who take MCs at least once a month. I am sure they are lying. I always think they probably had a late night and are hungover and couldn't be arsed to come to work.

Therefore when I am sick and on MC (like now), that's what I think they are saying about me.

OK, enough, I think. Time to get back to the pills, antibiotics and fluids cocktail. I will catch up on the flip side of this bug, or whatever. And if it is a horrible undetectable disease I am dying of, I bequeath all my worldy possessions to Hanan. All $250 worth of them.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey Babe! Huimin your favourite attachment student here!

Oh man.. You sound like shit in your post. How many days of MC eh? Hope you will feel better soon ok!