Firstly, because there was this slight twinge of guilt of having so many nights out when it was the one week school holiday. But more importantly because sometimes adulthood and its "responsibilities" suck, so a little regression is good for the soul.
First stop - junk food brunch. Hanan and I we for what had the best kiddie toy, instead of any nutrition hangups. BK won, hands down. Then we went to Timezone for $20 worth of pure un"adult"erated motorcross and fast car driving. Hanan has zero control over his cars, poor fellow. Better with bikes. We also played a few of those other, more easy to win games, like pinball (LOTR no less) and bowling. I was pleased to note that he did not insist on playing any shooting related games, although I said he could play anything he wanted. My young padwan, taught well, he has been.
We had a whopping 276 points when we were done, so we decided to go to the gift redemption counter to see what kinda loot we could get. I was looking at all the munchies and the games and toys when Hanan turns to me and reveals he has his eye on the Faber Castell mechanical pencil and lead set. !!!
Having finished with Timezone, we decided to go down to the atrium sale at CWP and see what they have. Turns out the megablocks pirate series that I have had my eye on for a while as been marked down to $3 (u.P $7.95!) Score! We bought all three sets and went home for a fun afternoon for pirate island building. Savvy?

I hope one day Hanan looks back on this day with fond memories and tells his kids how cool their Paati was when she was younger.
Unfortunately we had to shorten our deep sea adventure for Hanan's swimming lessons. Poor kid missed 2 lessons and his stamina is at an all time low. At some points he was really struggling. I guess I should bring him swimming more often in between also to help him out. and God knows I need the exercise too.
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