But one of these movies he could go to, and the other one, he was almost asleep by the time I left, so I didn't feel guilty.

The Pursuit of Happyness
Qn: What does a man do when he comes to the end of the line?
Ans: He finds a new line and hangs on it for dear life, despite the fact that it looks like it looks like thread and like its gonna snap any minute.
That's the basic message I took away from The Pursuit of Happiness. That despite appearance and the evidence that's around you, you were made to succeed and that your life is based on choices you make and the will you enforce.
Speaking of Will, I was totally impressed by Will Smith's performance in this movie. ALthough the script had whitewashed over any character flaws that the real Chris Gardner may have had, Will brought him to life with all his insecurities, guilt and emotions, sometimes portrayed with as little as a look. And enough has been said about Jaden Smith, his co-star and real life son. The kid was cute, can act, and was born in the right family to do it. Kudos, Jaden baby.
The Pursuit of Happiness is for everyone to watch. We watched it with Hanan, and he got so much out of it. We all need to have what Barack Obama calls "The Audacity of Hope" and nothing has brought it to light like this film.

Some musicals are best left as musicals. I felt that way about Chicago, and now about Dreamgirls. What is contained with a box that is the stage becomes too big and in your face when watched on a silver screen.
Dreamgirls was big, and raw. Especially all the emotions that were portrayed by Jennifer Hudson just came out and consumed me. And I didn't have the option to back away.
It was a very glamourous movie though. All the familiar Motown sounds and clothes brought to life the characters. I like the insertion of the news flashes of political and cultural events of the time as well. It gave the film an authenticity that the stage may not have been able to capture.
And I was glad to see so many Black Americans working too. Danny Glover, Eddie Murphy, Jamie Foxx, Loretta Divine, Jaleel White (Steve Urkel) and a whole host more. And they were all fabulous in their own right.
Beyonce did alright, but honestly, she was just eye candy. I cared more for JHud's character (Effie), and her struggles and life more than that of Beyonce's (Deena). I even cared more for Anika and Eddie's on-screen relationship than I did for Deena. She claims she was told to downplay her voice, but she downplayed it to the point where u forget she has one.
Dreamgirls is the kind of movie you should watch if you are really into musicals or like Motown. Otherwise, you will probably not care enough to enjoy it.
hey nal-
u watched the two movies that ive been waiting to catch!
def gona watch... if i can only choose one of these movies, which one do u think i shd pick?
I am glad you enjoyed the review. If you only can watch one, I would recommend the Pursuit of Happiness. Dreamgirls is only enjoyable if you enjoy the musical genre, like Chicago, Moulin Rouge. Dreamgirls is one that I felt should have been left on Broadway!
PoH on the other hand, is solid movie - good script, great acting and very well shot.
Happy viewing!
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