Monday, November 10

13 days

It hit me last night, or maybe this morning, that I have Hanan for a mere 13 days more before he goes to the States with his dad for 6 long weeks.

6 weeks. Thats 42 days. Slightly more than 1000 hours.

This is the longest I will ever be separated from him. The last time was when I went to Sydney for 7 days. But that was different. That was me going away, leaving Hanan at home, not just with his Dad, but with my mum and aunts and people I trust to keep him safe. He was in a familiar environment, confident and secure.

But this! He leaves the safety of home and travels thousands of miles away, with only dad for company. He will be living with people he hardly knows, with habits he is not used to, a climate he knows nothing about. Granted, they are his dad's folks but still...

It especially bothers me that he will be under the charge of an absent-minded adult, who is not known for his attention to detail. I am afraid that Hanan will not brush his teeth, drink enough water or run a comb through his hair the whole time he is away.

13 days to instil good hourseguest habits, proper hygeine and the "don't talk to strangers" drill.



shroom said...

hanan's a big boy lin, im sure he'll be the one looking after his dad! (=

Anonymous said...

ouch! sounds difficult...missing is so hard :-( will be remembering u in prayer..

danish (remember? :-) )