Finally! This has been such a long month, especially the last two weeks. Its funny how the end of the month seems so far away when you are on a shoestring budget.
This month I am going to be good. I will:-
1) Tithe
2) Pay off some bills
3) Pay off the loan (goke akka, I lowe you!)
4) Make sure I do only 2 movies and 2 club nights.
5) Eat wisely, and cheaply
And let's hope this month is shorter than June.
I do not understand how nuns and priests can go without bodily contact with another human being all their lives. Just 2 weeks, and I feel like my flesh is becoming hypersenstive to the warmth of another human being. The other day I was standing a bit too close to this man on the train, and I could have sworn the skin on my arm was straining to get closer to him. Total stranger, some more! So macam desperate, right?
I need a hug.
(PS: Hugs from my 6 year old are lovely, but not the same.)
The Lakehouse is a movie that will be launched on 28th July. But I am already in love with it. Firstly Keanu and Sandra - enough said. (yes, we ARE on first name basis.)
Second, the premise of the story is so beautiful - a lowe story that is about the heartache of not being able to be with the one you love. No, noone dies in it (I think).
Lastly, any movie with cinematography like that is a winner in my Oscars. The setting was perfect, the lighting muted, even the weather was a perfect blend of crisp and cold.
So please place your bids for the pleasure of my company on the 28th of July to see The Lake House. I will pick the winner based on sincerity of plea, allure of pre- and post-movie plans and of course willing to pay for my ticket lah.
There are many reasons to blog. The sheer pleasure of seeing your thoughts in words is one of them.
Friday, June 30
Thursday, June 29
The Age of Polyester
What set apart style in the 70s from every other era before?
I think it was just that whole over the top glitz, glamour and Geegaws. No point doing a thing unless you are going to do it all the way. Why wear pants unless you can wear them tightest at the crotch and waay flared at the bottom. Why sport an afro unless its big enough to hide a few essential things in it?

Gold outfits. Polyester shirts. Collars an airplane could have landed on. Big Hair, big makeup, stuffed crotches (for boys) and runway chests (for girls). The glamour of the 70s was easy to replicate and looked great.
Me, I don't have a lot of 70s clothes. One pair of wildly patterned bell bottom jeans. One butterfly sleeved blouse. One pair of platform shoes. But when I wear them all together with some gold eyeshadow and big, big hair - I am the dancing queen baby!
I think it was just that whole over the top glitz, glamour and Geegaws. No point doing a thing unless you are going to do it all the way. Why wear pants unless you can wear them tightest at the crotch and waay flared at the bottom. Why sport an afro unless its big enough to hide a few essential things in it?

Me, I don't have a lot of 70s clothes. One pair of wildly patterned bell bottom jeans. One butterfly sleeved blouse. One pair of platform shoes. But when I wear them all together with some gold eyeshadow and big, big hair - I am the dancing queen baby!
Wednesday, June 28
I am on a 70s fixation
I don't know what sparked it off. Maybe it was that night at Gold Dust, with its ABBA and Gloria Gaynor. Maybe it was recent events that led to 70s nostalgia. Whatever the cause, my friends will have to put up with me wearing blue, green and gold eyeshadow and listening to 70s hits for the next few days.
The worse thing that happened in the 70s is probably music videos like this.
I don't get this video at all. What did they plug the instruments into? Whats with the very strange "guru" clothes the pianist is wearing? How did three women come out of a tent that small?
The mind boggles.
Then on the flip side of the coin, you have this beautiful tune by David Gates. Never mind that he is lip-synching (rather well, I might add).
Next post, I will do fashion. They had some really cool clothes back then.
The worse thing that happened in the 70s is probably music videos like this.
I don't get this video at all. What did they plug the instruments into? Whats with the very strange "guru" clothes the pianist is wearing? How did three women come out of a tent that small?
The mind boggles.
Then on the flip side of the coin, you have this beautiful tune by David Gates. Never mind that he is lip-synching (rather well, I might add).
Next post, I will do fashion. They had some really cool clothes back then.
Tuesday, June 27
Sick and Tired of Canteen Food!!
If I had to eat at the canteen at 194 Pandan Loop one more time I am going to scream!
Why, oh why did I agree to work in a place that is miles away from any decent food places?
And don't give me any of the "you should be thankful for what you have" crap. If you have been eating from the same 5 sucky stalls for the past 9 months, you would whinge about it too.
Let me give you a break down of what we have in this lovely 5 Star Establishment ok?
1) Malay Stall
This stall has all the halal basics - nasi padang, nasi lemak, mee rebus, mee siam and biryani on Friday. If I had to pick one stall that has some kind of standard, it woule be this one. At least they are friendly and the food is halfway tasty (read: not smothered in MSG). Disadvantage:- its the only muslim stall, and I work in an industrial area. So the queue is usually at least 10 pple deep at any one time. And I can't be arsed to queue all lah. So unglam.
2) Yong Tau Foo Stall
This is possibly the worse yong tau foo you would ever have eaten. The noodles are consistently overcooked, the soup is laden with MSG and the oil for the fried stuff has probably never been changed. And once in a while, just to keep things exciting, they have day old tofu mixed in with the rest. Hello, Diarrhoea!
3) Bak Chor Mee Stall
Ok, if you have ever been to a restaurant where the waiters were rude, the cooks crabby and the food mediocre, then you can probably guess what this stall is like. When you walk up to order, the aunty looks at you like she is doing you a favour. And that proceeds to get your order wrong! And then insists that you take it, because YOUR instructions were not clear!
4) Chicken Rice
Ok lah, generic chicken rice - nothing to write home about. The uncle is very friendly, so flirting with him is actually the highlight of that particular choice. He also sells wan ton mee, but his wan tons leave much to be desired. *snickers lecherously*
5) Chinese Economy Rice Stall
They make a lot of different kinds of dishes, which is the plus point. The downside is - they all taste the same. Basically, they make 3 standard sauces and combine it with all the different kinds of meats and vegetables. Ugh, totally mundane.
That's all the choices one has for lunch when one works at Pandan Loop. Of course, you can beg a colleague to drive you out to Ginza Plaza or take a cab to Clementi, but most of us are doomed to eating the same 19 things.
So if anyone reads this, and takes pity on a poor, hardworking sista who needs some lunchtime excitement, please contact me. You will be reward handsomely with my undying gratitude.
Why, oh why did I agree to work in a place that is miles away from any decent food places?
And don't give me any of the "you should be thankful for what you have" crap. If you have been eating from the same 5 sucky stalls for the past 9 months, you would whinge about it too.
Let me give you a break down of what we have in this lovely 5 Star Establishment ok?
1) Malay Stall
This stall has all the halal basics - nasi padang, nasi lemak, mee rebus, mee siam and biryani on Friday. If I had to pick one stall that has some kind of standard, it woule be this one. At least they are friendly and the food is halfway tasty (read: not smothered in MSG). Disadvantage:- its the only muslim stall, and I work in an industrial area. So the queue is usually at least 10 pple deep at any one time. And I can't be arsed to queue all lah. So unglam.
2) Yong Tau Foo Stall
This is possibly the worse yong tau foo you would ever have eaten. The noodles are consistently overcooked, the soup is laden with MSG and the oil for the fried stuff has probably never been changed. And once in a while, just to keep things exciting, they have day old tofu mixed in with the rest. Hello, Diarrhoea!
3) Bak Chor Mee Stall
Ok, if you have ever been to a restaurant where the waiters were rude, the cooks crabby and the food mediocre, then you can probably guess what this stall is like. When you walk up to order, the aunty looks at you like she is doing you a favour. And that proceeds to get your order wrong! And then insists that you take it, because YOUR instructions were not clear!
4) Chicken Rice
Ok lah, generic chicken rice - nothing to write home about. The uncle is very friendly, so flirting with him is actually the highlight of that particular choice. He also sells wan ton mee, but his wan tons leave much to be desired. *snickers lecherously*
5) Chinese Economy Rice Stall
They make a lot of different kinds of dishes, which is the plus point. The downside is - they all taste the same. Basically, they make 3 standard sauces and combine it with all the different kinds of meats and vegetables. Ugh, totally mundane.
That's all the choices one has for lunch when one works at Pandan Loop. Of course, you can beg a colleague to drive you out to Ginza Plaza or take a cab to Clementi, but most of us are doomed to eating the same 19 things.
So if anyone reads this, and takes pity on a poor, hardworking sista who needs some lunchtime excitement, please contact me. You will be reward handsomely with my undying gratitude.
Sunday, June 25
The thing that is sometimes frustrating about Singapore is that its so darn small. And if you are Indian, its even smaller. Everywhere you go, you are bound to meet someone either related to you, related to someone related to you, or a friend, who after some analysis turns out to be related to you.
Really. Play 6 degrees of Kevin Bacon with every Indian person you meet, and chances are you will find the connection sooner or later.
Today, I forgot this. I decided I was only going to the NTUC in my neighbourhood, and I wouldn't meet anyone I know. So I didn't undo my Pippi Longstocking braids (one of them literally stood at a 45 degree angle to my head), wore my oldest, scruffiest orange T shirt, and flip flops.
I turn into the entrance to come face to face with one of my ex colleagues from SINDA. (yes, 6 degree gets even easier when you have worked with SINDA). He was in stylo mylo berms, polo shirt and "cooling glasses". I saw the look of "what the hell?" pass his eyes before the recognition and familiarity. I was mortified.
Thankfully Hanan was with me, and saved the day. The boy looks good regardless of what he is wearing and has a naturally pleasant demeanour, so I diverted the attention to him, and thus managed to salvage a really embarassing situation.
The moral of the story is - be prepared. Yes, like a good boy scout, be prepared to always be seen by the last person you expect to see. Or as my mother used to say,
"Wear clean underwear in case you get knocked down by a car, at least people will say," ah she was clean".
Really. Play 6 degrees of Kevin Bacon with every Indian person you meet, and chances are you will find the connection sooner or later.
Today, I forgot this. I decided I was only going to the NTUC in my neighbourhood, and I wouldn't meet anyone I know. So I didn't undo my Pippi Longstocking braids (one of them literally stood at a 45 degree angle to my head), wore my oldest, scruffiest orange T shirt, and flip flops.
I turn into the entrance to come face to face with one of my ex colleagues from SINDA. (yes, 6 degree gets even easier when you have worked with SINDA). He was in stylo mylo berms, polo shirt and "cooling glasses". I saw the look of "what the hell?" pass his eyes before the recognition and familiarity. I was mortified.
Thankfully Hanan was with me, and saved the day. The boy looks good regardless of what he is wearing and has a naturally pleasant demeanour, so I diverted the attention to him, and thus managed to salvage a really embarassing situation.
The moral of the story is - be prepared. Yes, like a good boy scout, be prepared to always be seen by the last person you expect to see. Or as my mother used to say,
"Wear clean underwear in case you get knocked down by a car, at least people will say," ah she was clean".
Saturday, June 24
Hey, have you ever tried
Really reaching out for the other side?
I may be climbing on rainbows,
but baby here goes.
Dreams, they're for those who sleep
Life is for us to keep
So if you're wondering what this song
is leading to - I wanna make it with you.
I really think that we can make it, girl.
Though you don't know me well,
And every little thing, only time will tell
If you beleive the things that I do
Then we'll see it through
Life can be short or long
Love can be right or wrong
But if I chose the one I'd like
to help me through - I wanna make it with you
I really think that we can make it, girl.
This song "Make it with you" was written and performed by David Gates, member of a 70s group called Bread.
I dedicate it here to a livid play I never fail to think of everytime I heard it.
Really reaching out for the other side?
I may be climbing on rainbows,
but baby here goes.
Dreams, they're for those who sleep
Life is for us to keep
So if you're wondering what this song
is leading to - I wanna make it with you.
I really think that we can make it, girl.
Though you don't know me well,
And every little thing, only time will tell
If you beleive the things that I do
Then we'll see it through
Life can be short or long
Love can be right or wrong
But if I chose the one I'd like
to help me through - I wanna make it with you
I really think that we can make it, girl.
This song "Make it with you" was written and performed by David Gates, member of a 70s group called Bread.
I dedicate it here to a livid play I never fail to think of everytime I heard it.
Its funny the curveballs life throws at you. Just when you think," My life is so boring, I wish something exciting will happen," WHAM!!! It hits you, right between your eyes.
Excitement has entered my days.
My GM quit. Short notice. I am so tired of losing the people at work that I love. Of course this changes everything. My first thought was, "Die lah! They going to fire me, because hiring me was his idea!"
i am so insecure sometimes. But no, my immediate boss has reassured me thats not going to happen, so heng. (This also means she has to cut her maternity leave short and come back early)
Then, I met someone from the past. An old friend who I wasn't quite fair to. But I am obviously forgiven, and we met for drinks to talk and reminisce (sp). Its funny the things you remember after 12 years. I just hope it won't be another 12 years before I can finally make amends.
Lastly, I think we have a reach a new plateau in our relationship. The Plateau of Mutual Respect. I was getting tired of being treated like the child while you have been there, done that, bought the T shirt and taken snapshots of the scenery. I know things too; especially non tangible things that one can only get from Wisdom.
These 3 major events are going to make the next few weeks unpredictable at the very least. Will she keep her job? Will her friend stick around long enough to accept apologies and explanations? Will she realise she actually knows nothing and the snapshot taker was right all along?
Tune in next week for the tale of "Nalinee's Life".
By the way, here is a cool word - zerorised (v.) to make some data into nothing but assigning it zero value in order to conceal some information.
Use it.
Its funny the curveballs life throws at you. Just when you think," My life is so boring, I wish something exciting will happen," WHAM!!! It hits you, right between your eyes.
Excitement has entered my days.
My GM quit. Short notice. I am so tired of losing the people at work that I love. Of course this changes everything. My first thought was, "Die lah! They going to fire me, because hiring me was his idea!"
i am so insecure sometimes. But no, my immediate boss has reassured me thats not going to happen, so heng. (This also means she has to cut her maternity leave short and come back early)
Then, I met someone from the past. An old friend who I wasn't quite fair to. But I am obviously forgiven, and we met for drinks to talk and reminisce (sp). Its funny the things you remember after 12 years. I just hope it won't be another 12 years before I can finally make amends.
Lastly, I think we have a reach a new plateau in our relationship. The Plateau of Mutual Respect. I was getting tired of being treated like the child while you have been there, done that, bought the T shirt and taken snapshots of the scenery. I know things too; especially non tangible things that one can only get from Wisdom.
These 3 major events are going to make the next few weeks unpredictable at the very least. Will she keep her job? Will her friend stick around long enough to accept apologies and explanations? Will she realise she actually knows nothing and the snapshot taker was right all along?
Tune in next week for the tale of "Nalinee's Life".
By the way, here is a cool word - zerorised (v.) to make some data into nothing but assigning it zero value in order to conceal some information.
Use it.
Thursday, June 22
New Announcements in MRT trains
I think there are some very serious announcemnets that SMRT needs to consider incorporating in its trains, together with their current ones.
Here they are, in no order of importance:-
1) Please restrain your children. SMRT staff reserve the right to catch and smack any children running around, screaming and using the hand grips as monkey bars.
2) Please take a shower before entering the train. Body odour will not be tolerated and passenger will be asked to disembark.
3)Please refrain from overly expressive body contact with the opposite sex. SMRT trains are a public place. We WILL throw your ass in jail.
4) Passengers who are not able to sleep in a vertical position and keep slumping over other passengers are requested to remain standing for the duration of their journey.
5) Students are reminded to treat the trains as a mode of transport and not their grandfather's house. Sitting on the floor in large groups and laughing racously is strongly discouraged. Passengers who see this kind of behaviour are encouraged to step on the students, preferably their hands.
6) Please switch your handphone to the silent mode if you are listening to music via earphones. You won't hear your phone ring and noone else wants to hear the first 4 lines of "Hips don't lie" 15 times.
7) Testing of different ringtones loudly on your handphone is expressly forbidden. Please wait till you are in the privacy of an underwater cave before engaging in such activity.
8) During peak hours, passengers are requested not to fart or belch noisily. If you feel the urge, please disembark, relief yourself and board the next train.
9) Seat chope-ing for your friends is strictly forbidden. If your friends are too slow to rush in and get their own seat, please give up your seat for them.
10) Releiving your boredom by clipping your nails, digging your nose and examining its contents or staring menacingly at fellow passengers is strongly discouraged. We are an educated nation. Read a book. Contact NLB at 6332-3255 for more details.
If anyone else has any announcements they can think of, please feel free to add them here.
I think there are some very serious announcemnets that SMRT needs to consider incorporating in its trains, together with their current ones.
Here they are, in no order of importance:-
1) Please restrain your children. SMRT staff reserve the right to catch and smack any children running around, screaming and using the hand grips as monkey bars.
2) Please take a shower before entering the train. Body odour will not be tolerated and passenger will be asked to disembark.
3)Please refrain from overly expressive body contact with the opposite sex. SMRT trains are a public place. We WILL throw your ass in jail.
4) Passengers who are not able to sleep in a vertical position and keep slumping over other passengers are requested to remain standing for the duration of their journey.
5) Students are reminded to treat the trains as a mode of transport and not their grandfather's house. Sitting on the floor in large groups and laughing racously is strongly discouraged. Passengers who see this kind of behaviour are encouraged to step on the students, preferably their hands.
6) Please switch your handphone to the silent mode if you are listening to music via earphones. You won't hear your phone ring and noone else wants to hear the first 4 lines of "Hips don't lie" 15 times.
7) Testing of different ringtones loudly on your handphone is expressly forbidden. Please wait till you are in the privacy of an underwater cave before engaging in such activity.
8) During peak hours, passengers are requested not to fart or belch noisily. If you feel the urge, please disembark, relief yourself and board the next train.
9) Seat chope-ing for your friends is strictly forbidden. If your friends are too slow to rush in and get their own seat, please give up your seat for them.
10) Releiving your boredom by clipping your nails, digging your nose and examining its contents or staring menacingly at fellow passengers is strongly discouraged. We are an educated nation. Read a book. Contact NLB at 6332-3255 for more details.
If anyone else has any announcements they can think of, please feel free to add them here.
Monday, June 19
Friday was best!
Those of you who read my rant about the stupid camp comedy fest at Zouk a few weeks ago will understand my elation when I say - I saw Kumar on Friday!
Not just saw him, I got to go on stage, dirty dance with him, punch him in the arm and hear him tell me I am very articulate.
Sigh... I so happy.
The evening started out ordinarily enough. The wonderful man I am married to actually came all the way to the mrt station with a more club worthy outfit for me, which I changed in the MRT bathroom like some demented Superman. Casual Friday jeans and polo shirt just dont cut it when you are going to see the Diva of Drag!
Interesting side note - When you try and get people to meet you in the train (i.e hop in), unless you pick very easy and obvious spots like last carriage, last door, most people have no idea how to do this.
E.g, I tell Shanker green carriage from the back, second door, and the dear boy gets on at the 3rd door from the back. And I tell goke the same thing, and she cant even be bothered to walk towards me, even though she is only 2 doors away. Oh well...
Gold Dust
Albeit the pseudo seedy location (back of Orchard Towers), Gold Dust is actually quite a nice looking club. I love the dramatic stage, with the running lights and plush velvet curtains and gold trim. The podium is a lot less understated that the monstrocity at Zouk, and the waiters are oh so adorable. This one guy gave us prime front row seats, even though we did nothing to deserve it. I tipped him when it was my shout, just for that lovely smile he gave me. Spend it well, my friend.
The cabaret was good, not great, just good. I am probably spoilt by the spectacular shows that the queens put on at Options (top drag cabaret club in Brisbane.) Grogeous Nina of course was as funny as, (she and her sotong jokes, like sambal belachan, every show must have) and Kumar's tiny little cameo with that gay anthem (I will always love you) had us all spell bound. So tragic.
But the highlight of course was the second set, which was Kumar, Kumar and more Kumar. He is indeed the consummate perfomer and entertainer. Choice quotes are as follows:
To noisy heckler in the crowd - Shut up Bitch! People are working here!
To large group of office drunks - you all not bad ah, bring Indian people along also
To large Indian woman (who will go unnamed)- the North and South Pole ok, but the problem is the big equator around.
To drunk ang moh man trying to pick him up, thinking he was a woman - What do you think this is(pointing to adam's apple)? My ovaries?
I wish I could have gathered up the guts when Shanker asked if I would like to speak to him after the show. But alas, I did not have them. The guts. But next time, next time, I will. I think.
Those of you who read my rant about the stupid camp comedy fest at Zouk a few weeks ago will understand my elation when I say - I saw Kumar on Friday!
Not just saw him, I got to go on stage, dirty dance with him, punch him in the arm and hear him tell me I am very articulate.
Sigh... I so happy.
The evening started out ordinarily enough. The wonderful man I am married to actually came all the way to the mrt station with a more club worthy outfit for me, which I changed in the MRT bathroom like some demented Superman. Casual Friday jeans and polo shirt just dont cut it when you are going to see the Diva of Drag!
Interesting side note - When you try and get people to meet you in the train (i.e hop in), unless you pick very easy and obvious spots like last carriage, last door, most people have no idea how to do this.
E.g, I tell Shanker green carriage from the back, second door, and the dear boy gets on at the 3rd door from the back. And I tell goke the same thing, and she cant even be bothered to walk towards me, even though she is only 2 doors away. Oh well...
Gold Dust
Albeit the pseudo seedy location (back of Orchard Towers), Gold Dust is actually quite a nice looking club. I love the dramatic stage, with the running lights and plush velvet curtains and gold trim. The podium is a lot less understated that the monstrocity at Zouk, and the waiters are oh so adorable. This one guy gave us prime front row seats, even though we did nothing to deserve it. I tipped him when it was my shout, just for that lovely smile he gave me. Spend it well, my friend.
The cabaret was good, not great, just good. I am probably spoilt by the spectacular shows that the queens put on at Options (top drag cabaret club in Brisbane.) Grogeous Nina of course was as funny as, (she and her sotong jokes, like sambal belachan, every show must have) and Kumar's tiny little cameo with that gay anthem (I will always love you) had us all spell bound. So tragic.
But the highlight of course was the second set, which was Kumar, Kumar and more Kumar. He is indeed the consummate perfomer and entertainer. Choice quotes are as follows:
To noisy heckler in the crowd - Shut up Bitch! People are working here!
To large group of office drunks - you all not bad ah, bring Indian people along also
To large Indian woman (who will go unnamed)- the North and South Pole ok, but the problem is the big equator around.
To drunk ang moh man trying to pick him up, thinking he was a woman - What do you think this is(pointing to adam's apple)? My ovaries?
I wish I could have gathered up the guts when Shanker asked if I would like to speak to him after the show. But alas, I did not have them. The guts. But next time, next time, I will. I think.
Sunday, June 11
Island Life
Today is the day! For the next three days, I will be sitting around in shorts, with sand in my shoes, and a chance to finally think about absolutely nothing.
This will be my first break in 8 months (NOT counting the CNY holidays which everyoine got!) and I will be glad to get away from work a while and just hang out. I think I have forgotten how to do that.
Will fill you in when I get back...
Today is the day! For the next three days, I will be sitting around in shorts, with sand in my shoes, and a chance to finally think about absolutely nothing.
This will be my first break in 8 months (NOT counting the CNY holidays which everyoine got!) and I will be glad to get away from work a while and just hang out. I think I have forgotten how to do that.
Will fill you in when I get back...
Thursday, June 8
Everything is Beautiful
So I had a good chat with my GM about my recent spate of "unforgivable" mistakes and he said that it was, in ah_neh's words,"Jujube". So everything is ok now, I longer feel like flushing my head in the toilet bowl. Thanks to all my friends indeed, u know who you are!
As shal (my 16 y.o. genius cousin) pointed out, sometimes this perfectionist thing is learned behaviour, taught by family, school and soceity. So maybe a little un-learning is in order.
Speaking of unlearning, I recently had a Joshua Tree moment reading about dvorak keyboards.
Click here to read my dvorak vs qwerty blog.
Well, I am gonna keep this post short. I have a hot date tonight - dinner at the Olive Tree and then - who knows? ;-)
Full report tomorrow.
So I had a good chat with my GM about my recent spate of "unforgivable" mistakes and he said that it was, in ah_neh's words,"Jujube". So everything is ok now, I longer feel like flushing my head in the toilet bowl. Thanks to all my friends indeed, u know who you are!
As shal (my 16 y.o. genius cousin) pointed out, sometimes this perfectionist thing is learned behaviour, taught by family, school and soceity. So maybe a little un-learning is in order.
Speaking of unlearning, I recently had a Joshua Tree moment reading about dvorak keyboards.
Click here to read my dvorak vs qwerty blog.
Well, I am gonna keep this post short. I have a hot date tonight - dinner at the Olive Tree and then - who knows? ;-)
Full report tomorrow.
Monday, June 5
The Quest for Perfection
Somewhere along the way, someone has instilled in us this fear for error and imperfection.
We strive to be perfect in all that we do, so that we will be beyond the reproach of our friends, family and colleagues. And most importantly ourselves.
I made a grave mistake today. I ordered a product for a customer that I beleived had all the features she needed. Turns out it didnt have the one feature she needed the most.
The supplier does not accept returns. So I have to take it back and try to sell it. But its possible I won't be able to. Then it will come straight out of my bottom line.
And everything I tried so hard to acheive the last 2 months will mean nothing.
Am I expecting too much of myself when I expect my work to be mistake-free? Everyone I spoke to said things like, " Human beings make mistakes", and "It happens" and "Let's worry about how to fix it later".
But I feel like I have let myself down. And that I really suck at sales. Just the smallest slip can mean that you don't meet your sales target and can undo all you have done. So there is no room for errors.
The world demands perfection. We want the people who build bridges, erect skyscrapers and fly planes to be perfect in their work. Or people die. So where is the room for, "to err is human"?
Somewhere along the way, someone has instilled in us this fear for error and imperfection.
We strive to be perfect in all that we do, so that we will be beyond the reproach of our friends, family and colleagues. And most importantly ourselves.
I made a grave mistake today. I ordered a product for a customer that I beleived had all the features she needed. Turns out it didnt have the one feature she needed the most.
The supplier does not accept returns. So I have to take it back and try to sell it. But its possible I won't be able to. Then it will come straight out of my bottom line.
And everything I tried so hard to acheive the last 2 months will mean nothing.
Am I expecting too much of myself when I expect my work to be mistake-free? Everyone I spoke to said things like, " Human beings make mistakes", and "It happens" and "Let's worry about how to fix it later".
But I feel like I have let myself down. And that I really suck at sales. Just the smallest slip can mean that you don't meet your sales target and can undo all you have done. So there is no room for errors.
The world demands perfection. We want the people who build bridges, erect skyscrapers and fly planes to be perfect in their work. Or people die. So where is the room for, "to err is human"?
Thursday, June 1
I did something naughty yesterday. I was sitting in the train next to this man who was the slowest SMS-er in the world, and was eavesdropping on his sms conversations. heh heh heh.
This man had issues. I mean, I have sent some pretty mundane SMSes in my day, but his really took the cake.
He sms-ed his wife to tell her (in romanised Tamil) that he got a good seat on the train. Corner facing door. Well, hooray for you.
He smsed his son/ daughter to ask where they were and when they will be back.
He smsed his friend or someone to say that he will meet them at the coffeeshop at 9 as usual. Man looked like a togo warrior. If you will meet them as usual, no need to SMS already lah.
Then his son/daughter smsed back to say she was still with her counsellor (hmmm.. mental illness? maybe.)
He started typing out a reply to "tell him about your disobedience", then changed his mind and deleted that message.
That's it! The whole journey from Jurong to Woodlands, with constant typing, thats all the messages he was able to send. The man gets my award for slowest SMS-er.
There are a few constant things that people do in the MRT when their mobile phone rings.
One, they stare at the screeching phone for the longest time, trying to recognise the number. The more terok the ringtone, the longer they stare. (If you answer the phone, there's a higher chance of knowing who is calling, agreed?)
Two, the first question they answer seems to be "where are you?" because they always give out that info first. "I have 3 more stops." I am between Khatib and Yio Chu Kang." This has to be a habit formed when pple just got mobiles, and you never knew where they were.
Three, when they end the call, they always look at their phone for a few mins in puzzlement before they put it away. Like they don't know what it is, or why they were holding it. Maybe its true, the radiation from handphones DOES cause memory loss.
Just watch next time someone's phone rings in the train and see if you spot the above steps. There may be a 10% variance, but its all there.
This man had issues. I mean, I have sent some pretty mundane SMSes in my day, but his really took the cake.
He sms-ed his wife to tell her (in romanised Tamil) that he got a good seat on the train. Corner facing door. Well, hooray for you.
He smsed his son/ daughter to ask where they were and when they will be back.
He smsed his friend or someone to say that he will meet them at the coffeeshop at 9 as usual. Man looked like a togo warrior. If you will meet them as usual, no need to SMS already lah.
Then his son/daughter smsed back to say she was still with her counsellor (hmmm.. mental illness? maybe.)
He started typing out a reply to "tell him about your disobedience", then changed his mind and deleted that message.
That's it! The whole journey from Jurong to Woodlands, with constant typing, thats all the messages he was able to send. The man gets my award for slowest SMS-er.
There are a few constant things that people do in the MRT when their mobile phone rings.
One, they stare at the screeching phone for the longest time, trying to recognise the number. The more terok the ringtone, the longer they stare. (If you answer the phone, there's a higher chance of knowing who is calling, agreed?)
Two, the first question they answer seems to be "where are you?" because they always give out that info first. "I have 3 more stops." I am between Khatib and Yio Chu Kang." This has to be a habit formed when pple just got mobiles, and you never knew where they were.
Three, when they end the call, they always look at their phone for a few mins in puzzlement before they put it away. Like they don't know what it is, or why they were holding it. Maybe its true, the radiation from handphones DOES cause memory loss.
Just watch next time someone's phone rings in the train and see if you spot the above steps. There may be a 10% variance, but its all there.
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