Friday, July 7

The 10 month itch

You know how marriages are purported to have the 7 year itch?
Well , every employment cycle reaches this point which I will refer to as the 10 month itch. It's that point in your employment where you either need to change your jobscope or pick up an extra challenge or two, because your job just looks bleak and boring.

I work for a local SME who are resellers for computer hardware. Yes that is as techy and geeky as it sounds. And those of you who know me, know that I am not neither techy, nor geeky. So being the only one of my kind, in so many ways, can get a bit stifling at times.

Noone knows what I do (marketing). Noone thinks its important. Noone is interested in my little successes and triumphs, unless its value can be represented by a $ in the front. Besides the big boss, as far as everyone else is concerned, marketing is dispensable.

So here is what I think I should do to inject new life into my job, and make my life more exciting:-

1) Pull a Mimi. You know, the never-subtle, wildly made up, loudly dressed, always on Drew's case character in the Drew Carey show. Played by the talented Kathy Kinney, Mimi is basically an over the top, vulgar and vindictive co worker, who gives hell to everyone who crosses her path. I think I can pull it off rather well, since I am almost halfway there. Everybody already thinks I am weird anyway, because I speak in English, go home on time and have no desire to karaoke every weekend.

2) Switch from marketing to another role. Maybe HR I was thinking. I have terrific people empathy, and I think I know what this company needs in terms of training. They needs surgey to remove the stick that's been shoved up their arses.
(Note: Do you need a cert or something to work in HR? I dunno)

3)A new challenge, or something I can be passionate about. Like a raise in salary, for instance. Or a better desk space where I don't have to listen to Hokkien conversation, Chinese radio or the damn shredder ALL DAY LONG. Where I have a window and a view of the outside world. Oh wait - what view?

4) My boss back!! She has been gone too long, and it will be another 2 weeks before she comes back from maternity leave. She is now the only person left in the office who speaks my language. English.

5) New colleagues wouldn't be bad too. What I need is some fresh perspective of the ourside world. It's too homogenous in here.

So if you know any other ways to take care of the 10 month itch, please share ok? I need all the help I can get.


The seafood soup thingy at Delifrance rocks. Ok, officially, it's called the "Brioche Oceane Sauce Mornay", but that's too long and French for me. It's really an awesome meal, light enough to still spring for dessert later, but with enough ingredients and flavour to satiate you. In it, they have real fish, shrimp, sotong, and the sauce is just amazingly creamy and yummy. And also they have it listed as a starter, I would wait till it arrives before you decide if you want anything else. Its good stuff!

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