Thursday, January 4


I have not the words.

I just know that when I am around you,
my eyes light up, my face gets younger
and my breathing relaxes.
My blood quickens, my hands express
themselves and my head is clear.

Being able to make you smile is enough to
make me feel fulfilled.

And then I remember....
Calling you that morning, asking if I should wait,
or should I move on.

And you, saying that if I had to ask that
question, then we were probably not meant to be.

And me, kicking myself, going, "Stupid! stupid! stupid!"
Why call? Why ask? When the answer was so obvious.
That I would have waited, as long as you need, if there was some
hope that the answer may have been "yes".

But I didn't, and anyway, it wasn't and you were lost.
Except in the most superficial way.

As a friend......

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