Tuesday, January 2

Top 10 memorable events of 2006

10. Hanan started Primary One. (Jan)

9. I started Salsa. (Jan)

8. I got confirmed in my new job. (Feb)

7. I attended my first company dinner and dance. (April)

6. I decided to revive this blog (May)

5. We went our first 3N 2D family getaway to Sentosa. Baby steps, people, baby steps.

4. Started tithing and see the rewards thereof.

3. Started contibuting to KelingKillah.blogspot.com
2. Went to KL on a friends only holiday - my first since I got married.

1. Got to be involved with Baghdad Cafe - a Christmas musical.

There it is - my year in a nutshell.

It's been quite a ringing in of the new year this year. First the party at Marcus' place with the ex-company people on the 31st, which was really nice, and kinda wierd, as usual. David, who remains one of my favourite people, bought be the complete works of Akira Kurosawa on DVD, which we had a conversation about almost 2 years ago. The things that man remembers!!

And then the 1st, at mum's with the usual gang of misfits, aka my cousins. After polishing of one bottle of JD, half a JW and about 4 shots of Baileys. someone (I think me) came up with the idea of playing Spin the Bottle - the Turth or Dare Edition.

I learnt so much about my cousins, and myself - the foolishness you can get up to when you are young and well, foolish. E.g. what one actually beleived to be the first and true love of one's life was actually statutory rape, as my newly policeman brother was quick to point out.

Oh well, c'est la vie, non?

So since I am not a resolution type, I am just going to ask for a 100% improvement in my life. More meaning, more love, more relationships.

And more blog posts, maybe?

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